Organey is a Shopify theme with advanced admin, extremely customizable, and fully responsive. It is suitable for every type of store. It is a standalone design package so you can easily create your own sub-themes.
To start building your website you need to install the theme into your store. With Shopify, this job is simple. Let's find it out with us now.
Theme setting
This is where you can make changes to the theme with your online store's typography, colors, social media links, and payment settings. And these changes will apply to your entire online store.
For a website, the header is one of the most important parts. With its clean and modern design, Organey can help you make an impression on your website at first sight.
Home Page
The homepage plays an important role for most websites. With Organey, your editing will be easy with its flexibility. et's find out how it works.
Footer is the bottom part of the web page and can contain any type of HTML content, including text, images, and links. Let's see what Footer in Organey has.
Other Pages
Besides the homepage, a website also has many other pages that serve different purposes.
Coming to Organey, you are also provided with certain functions to make the website more convenient in both administration and display.
In this document, we have provided some solutions to common problems encountered while using themes. Good luck if it can help you.

Launch Your Store Project Like A Pro

You want to build your own style shop. Contact us to discuss and plan as soon as possible